Decode the 5 Style Habits That Could Be Holding You Back

Fashion is not just about wearing clothes; it’s a form of self-expression. But sometimes, even the most style-conscious among us can fall prey to certain habits that hinder our fashion potential. At, India’s premier online store for design-printed apparel, we believe in empowering our customers to break free from style ruts. Here, we decode five style habits that could be holding you back and how to overcome them.

1. Sticking to the Same Old Patterns

“Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life.” – Bill Cunningham

Many of us fall into the trap of wearing the same styles and patterns. It’s comfortable and familiar, but it’s also limiting. Solution: Branch out and experiment with different patterns and designs. For example, check out our Men’s Cruise Control Graphics Printed Hoodies and Women’s Skip a Straw Save a Turtle Graphics Printed Crop Tops for inspiration.

2. Ignoring Accessories

Accessories are often an afterthought, but they can transform an outfit from ordinary to outstanding. Solution: Invest in versatile accessories that can elevate your look. Our collection of Men’s Respect the Beard Design Printed T-Shirt offers a great starting point for accessorizing a casual look.

3. Forgetting the Power of Fit

A common mistake is wearing clothes that don’t fit well. Whether it’s too tight or too loose, ill-fitting clothes can break a look. Solution: Focus on fit. Garments like our Women’s Strong Fearless Beautiful Graphics Printed Oversized T-Shirt demonstrate how a good fit can enhance style.

4. Overlooking Personal Style

Many people dress based on trends rather than personal style. Solution: Develop a personal style that reflects who you are. Explore our Men’s Music Teacher Design Printed T-Shirt for a unique style that stands out.

5. Underestimating the Occasion

Wearing inappropriate attire for an occasion can be a faux pas. Solution: Dress appropriately for different settings. For a casual outing, the Women’s Best Mom Ever Graphics Printed Hoodies can be a perfect choice.

Embracing Change in Fashion

Change is constant in fashion. Embrace it by experimenting with new trends and styles. Our Women’s Hustle Harder Graphics Printed Sweatshirts and Women’s Squats and Tequila Shots Graphics Printed Crop Hoodies are great examples of trendy and empowering fashion statements.


Breaking free from these style habits can open up a world of fashion possibilities. At Creativeya, we’re committed to helping you explore these possibilities with our wide range of collections. Whether you’re looking for something casual, quirky, or classy, we have something for everyone. Visit our collections page to explore more and redefine your style today!


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